Creating A Plan Specific to You and Your Family
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About Estate Planning Attorney John A. Laine

Law Office of John A. Laine – Hingham, MA Lawyer

John A. Laine, Esq. attorney at law

Attorney John A. Laine grew up in Norwell, Massachusetts, attended Thayer Academy, graduated from St. Bonaventure University, and eventually made his way to Suffolk University Law School and became a member of the Massachusetts Bar in 2002.  At the urging of his mother, he hung his own shingle and started his law practice a month after he was sworn into the Bar. His practice has primarily centered on estate planning and real estate law ever since. Initially, John focused his practice on estate plans of the very wealthy and sheltering their assets from Massachusetts and Federal estate tax. It didn't take John long to see that the working, middle and upper middle class of Massachusetts were being grossly underrepresented. Specifically, he realized that sophisticated estate plans and the tools available to all of us were not being used by those who could benefit the most from them. A few hundred thousand lost to estate tax seemed less crippling to the multi-millionaire then a few hundred thousand lost to a nursing home by a middle class family.

John truly enjoys putting an estate plan in place that protects those who truly can't afford to lose assets to taxes or long term care.

John and his wife Sarah have enjoyed raising their daughters, Mary and Beth, and their son Johnny in Hingham for the last twenty plus years. When not working John is on the water. He takes pride in being one of the first boats launched in the spring and the last to come out of Hingham harbor in the late fall. He and Johnny enjoy every water sport, including water skiing, surfing, hydro-foiling, and anything else they can drag behind a boat. Sarah generally waits for the sporting to end before joining John for a leisurely cruise around the Boston Harbor islands or giving Mary and Beth and their friends a lift into Boston. When the weather turns and the water freezes to ice and snow John and his family hit the slopes in Vermont.

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